Jan. 18, 2022
Does K8s still need DR? O'Reilly K8s Author On the Hot Seat!

Things got a little tense on this week's podcast when James Strong (@strongjz, Co-Author of O'Reilly's Networking & Kubernetes) hinted at DR being a thing of the past with K8s. Mr. Backups was having none of that. No blows were thrown, mostly because it was all online, but it was a really good conversation that K8s and DR enthusiasts alike will find interesting. We also cover the new book, Networking and Kubernetes, by James Strong and Vallery Lancey, including why the decided to write it, and what it covers. We talk about monitoring K8s networking, and James uses at least 25 acronyms that may be new to some listeners. Don't worry: we make him explain all of them.
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