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Brendan Sullivan

Brendan Sullivan Profile Photo


Mr. Sullivan has an extensive history in data storage and retrieval spanning over 30 years. An electronics engineer by training who moved into backup tape development, manufacturing and then backup systems, data restoration and remediation. He led a manufacturing operation for 9 track, 3480/90e, DLT, & 3590 tape cartridges, taking the first 1GB capacity enterprise tape cartridge to market.
He has managed massive tape data recovery projects in Europe, the USA, and the Middle East.
He took the helm at a tape manufacturing company in 2002 under forbearance to foreclose and restructured and re-engineered it to become an e-Discovery provider employing almost 200 people and recognized by Socha-Gelbmann as a top 20 provider by 2008. He often speaks or takes part on panel discussions related to legacy data remediation, defensible deletion, the use of backup tape in discovery, or retirement of legacy backup environments..
His current focus at SullivanStrickler is on helping clients reduce risk and exposure resulting from their backup environments, speeding up time to data and lowering total cost of ownership for legacy data.
S2|DATA was formed in 2013, a company dedicated to providing access to the world's legacy data.

May 13, 2024

Electronic Discovery tools that extract from backups

In this episode, we explore the world of electronic discovery tools and how they're transforming the legal landscape. Our guest, Brendan Sullivan, shares his expertise on the challenges companies face when dealing with legacy...